You are currently viewing 14  Reasons for Not Getting Pregnant After HCG Injection

14  Reasons for Not Getting Pregnant After HCG Injection

Pregnancy after Injectable Hcg is a common problem for most women. The conception can be achieved in about 50% of the cases. Many factors may cause this pregnancy failure and have been studied by many researchers, who have found some remarkable findings leading to the same conclusion that most of these factors are invisible to the eye.

In this article, we will discuss the 14 reasons and some solutions or precautions why you are not getting pregnant after HCG Injection.

What Is HCG Injection?

HCG Injection (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced in the placenta. HCG injection was first described in 1935, but it wasn’t used to treat infertility until the late 1950s.

The hormone helps to stimulate the ovaries and testes to produce more testosterone and sperm. This hormone can also help to suppress the immune system so that transplantation of a donor’s bone marrow or other tissue doesn’t affect the body’s natural defenses against rejection by the body’s immune system.

Uses of HCG Injection

HCG is a hormone that is produced by the body in pregnancy. It helps to regulate the growth of a baby during pregnancy.

Using HCG injection to treat infertility is not new. In fact, it has been used for many years to help women who have difficulty getting pregnant or who have had previous pregnancies with complications.

It has long been used to help restore fertility in men whose sperm count is low due to illness or injury.

It can also be used to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

What is HCG injection

To Whom the HCG Injection is Recommended

HCG injection is recommended for women who have difficulties getting pregnant. However, the injection can not be used in all cases. If you have any of the conditions mentioned above then it is important that you get medical advice before using HCG injection.

Reasons Why You are Not Getting Pregnant After HCG Injection

1. You Are Not Taking the Injection Religiously:

This is a big reason for not getting pregnant after HCG Injection. You must take it religiously or you will lose your chance to get pregnant. This is because when you don’t take the injection correctly, the HCG hormone will be absorbed by your body and not able to do its job.

2. Your Body Does Not Produce Enough HCG:

If your body does not produce enough HCG, then it becomes impossible for you to get pregnant after injecting HCG. There are many factors that can affect how much HCG your body produces i.e., genetics, age etc., but one of them is stress. Stress has been proven as a cause of low levels of progesterone in women and this can prevent pregnancy from happening. If this is the case with you then try some relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to reduce stress levels and increase hormone production in your body so that fertility improves naturally without any intervention from external sources such as medicine or surgery.

3. You Were Taking Other Medicines or Drugs:

Another most common reason for not getting pregnant after HCG injection is that you have been taking medicines or drugs. This can cause a number of side effects, including increased chances of miscarriage and low fertility. If you are taking any type of medication, it is advisable to consult your doctor before coming in for any treatment. They will be able to find out if the medicine is safe for you and if it will affect your fertility.

4. Your Partner Is Infertile:

If your partner is unable to get pregnant, they may be suffering from a condition called “infertility”. Infertility affects around 10% of couples who try to get pregnant through artificial insemination or IVF treatments. It can be caused by physical conditions like blocked fallopian tubes, damage from past surgeries and infections, hormone imbalances and cancer, but sometimes it can also be due to psychological problems like depression or anxiety disorders. If this is the case with your partner, then you should consider getting them checked out by a professional before trying again as there are some treatments that can help improve their fertility levels.

5. You Did Not Take HCG in a Recommended Dose:

The recommended dose is 15 IU per day, but if you are not pregnant, you may be given up to 25 IU per day. If you get pregnant after taking 25 IU per day, it is unlikely that you will be able to continue using this dose because of the risk of having a miscarriage. If this happens, talk with your doctor about what to do next.

6. You Have Low Blood Pressure or High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Kidney Disease or Any Other Medical Condition That Can Affect Fertility:

If you have any of the above conditions and are trying to get pregnant, then it is very important that you consult a doctor before getting HCG injection.

7. You Might Have a History of Losing Your Baby Before, During or After Pregnancy in the Past:

If there is any history of miscarriage, any previous pregnancy loss, or if you have had a previous abortion, it is important to speak with your doctor about your options.

8. You Are Taking Contraceptive Pills That Contain Estrogen:

HCG injections are generally used to help women conceive after regular IVF treatment has failed. However, some of these women may be using hormonal birth control that contains estrogens. This can cause a problem when it comes to getting pregnant because the HCG injection is an estrogen blocker and will block the effects of the hormones in your body. This makes it harder for the HCG to work its magic and help you conceive when you need it most.

9. You Might Be Suffering From Pcos (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome):

You are at risk of getting pregnant if you have PCOS. This is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women. The hormones in your body are not balanced and your ovaries will produce too many eggs each month, which can lead to pregnancy complications and infertility.

10. You Might Not Be Taking the Right Vitamins or Supplements:

It’s important for women with PCOS to take folic acid supplements before trying for a baby. Folic acid helps prevent birth defects as well as reduce the risk of miscarriages during pregnancy by helping prevent premature delivery or stillbirths. Women with PCS should also consider taking iron supplements because iron deficiency can affect fertility levels in both men and women alike!

11. You Are Not Having Regular Periods and Ovulation Occurs Irregularly:

This is the most common reason why women do not get pregnant after HCG injection. If you have irregular menstrual cycles or are not ovulating regularly, then you will have a higher risk of pregnancy failure. It is recommended that you have a regular menstrual cycle of 28-32 days, with ovulation occurring on day 14 of the cycle.

12. You Are Using Contraceptives:

If you are using hormonal contraception such as the Pill or contraceptive implant, then you should stop using it at least a week before your injection date. This will help to prevent any interference with your body’s natural hormone levels, which may lead to an interruption in your menstrual cycle or an inability to conceive naturally. It is also important that any other medications (such as antibiotics) that you are taking at this time are stopped for at least two weeks before injection date – again so as to avoid any interference with your body’s natural hormone levels.

13. You Are Using a Tubal Ligation:

If you have had a tubal ligation or vasectomy, then there is no way for you to get pregnant without undergoing another surgery. This means that if you want to become pregnant again, then you will have to undergo another surgery that could be quite expensive and even dangerous depending on how many years ago it was done.

14. You Are Struggling With Endometriosis:

This condition is characterized by growths that occur on the uterine lining (endometrium). They can cause pain during menstruation or even block blood flow from getting into the uterus which can lead to infertility issues.

When Should Take the HCG Injection?

There are no hard and fast rules regarding when to take a fertility hormone. Dr. Wysocki recommends that you inject your first dose of HCG, if possible, at the time of ovulation. This will help you get pregnant faster. The earlier you begin the treatment, the better.

Note: Consult your doctor about the doses.

However, there are times when it may not be possible to inject your first dose of HCG immediately after ovulation. In these cases, Dr. Wysocki recommends that you inject your first dose as soon as possible after ovulation (or within 24 hours).

If you have delayed implantation or an early miscarriage and can’t take your first dose immediately after ovulation, then Dr. Wysocki recommends that you wait for at least 12 hours before injecting your second or third dose so that enough time has passed since the last menstrual period (LMP).

When to Contact a Doctor?

The first thing to do after an HCG injection is to contact your doctor. It is important to keep record of the date, time and place where the injection was given and what were your instructions for 3 days after the injection.

The next thing you should do is to contact your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Symptoms like abdominal cramps and pain, which seem to be related to a miscarriage.
  • You feel nauseous or vomiting.
  • You have missed your period for 3 months in a row or longer.
  • You have any other problems that are not related to pregnancy such as severe headaches, back pain or feeling dizzy.

Contacting your doctor is necessary because it may indicate early pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage and require further medical attention.

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